Thursday, July 3, 2008

Keller wines and poor eyesight

Let me begin by answering a question. The question was, “why the big font in the last message?” The simple answer is… so I could read it. Apparently those younger then me prefer a smaller font. I believe in customer service, so we will back down the font and I will suffer in silence. Don’t worry about me, just because I am doing all the work, why should you do something to help me out (I suppose this is not suffering in silence).

In the last blog, I talked about the Keller Pinot Noir. I was enamored of this wine. This time we will talk about two of their Chardonnays. The first is called Oro de Plata. Now, I am from the east coast, and was not exposed to Spanish, until I heeded Horace Greely’s dictum, “Go west young man”. If I am correct, and most likely I am not, Oro means gold. “Plata” is where I have my problem. When I was working on my degree, there was a Mexican restaurant called Platte Grande. I was told that meant “big plate.” I am pretty sure it was not spelled “Plata” (do you get the feeling that I am off on a tangent). Anyway, back to the wine. The Oro Plata is an oak free chardonnay. It has a citrus, green apple thing going on in its flavors. A crisp, clean finish makes this a great wine to sip on the upcoming warm days, and you know they are coming! $22 - $25

The other Chardonnay is the La Cruz Vineyard. Don’t worry I won’t try to interpret “La Cruz.” This way, those of you who have read this far, all two or three of you, will hopefully stay to the end. The La Cruz is an oaked Chardonnay. One of the reason I have become enamored with Keller, some of you are probably thinking un-healthily enamored, is that the do a good job with their oak management. None of their wines are woody, they use oak to flavor the wine, not dominate the wine. This Chardonnay has some buttery notes to go with the apple, quince, and lemon peel notes. $32 - $35. These are two different wines for two different settings. (Is that a redundant statement) (you may notice I use way to much parenthetical information for a serious blogger) (But it is my blog) (you know this whole font things has got me in a poor mood).

Alright that is it, I have to get some reading glasses

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